Creating Characters

I realized that a story I had started a couple of weeks ago, faded quickly and I knew why once I began to look at my project binder. I didn’t follow my usual writing method of writing a story. I didn’t create my Character Profiles, nor did I do a summery. I just jumped right on into things. It had a good start, but I didn’t have anything I could reference when I needed to remember how I had the character. I decided to table that story for now and start a new one.

As, I work with my usual research method and Character Profiles, and creating the summery, I am feeling more at home as I right. It makes me realize that if it works then don’t worry about changing it. Always use the formula that makes things work.

I am embarking on a crossover series of two popular genres and with this it is important to know: Parentage, Powers, Physical Description and much more and keep it recorded in my own “mythology” of the world. It will help keep me consistent and let the characters come to life.


The decisions to self-publish a book through a major publisher can be tasking. Looking at the pricing of the “bundles” and trying to figure out what the right road to use is tough. The major thing that I think I need to keep in mind is “what is best for my story” and “what is best for me as an aspiring author”. Should I shell out loads and loads of money to see if people buy my stories or do I just keep writing and searching for contests to enter? Time will tell, but I’m starting to think that the second option would be better for both me as an author and my stories that I want to share with the world.