Being Flexible -Adaptability

So this week hasn’t been the “greatest” with the new resolutions. The thing with the New Year Resolutions are that after the new year, depending on where it falls and how much vacation time you have taken, you can get into some good habits for about 2-5 days. Then it’s time to get back to your normal schedule with all of the bumps in the road, being tired after a long unexpected stressful day, or you want that last piece of chocolate cake even though you shouldn’t.

I’ve witnessed this week with a lot of those struggles and know that next week will be challenging as well since I have workshops and conferences. The thing is, I will have chances to write, I will have chances to do the “promises” to myself from the first of the year, it’s making it all work in the normal day to day life that comes up.

It’s one thing that I will try to get better out, starting today. I need to stop over-booking or overworking myself in life and in being so hard on myself in general. So, I haven’t really gotten to write this week, or work on things because of work, the internet was down or things in that nature. I can turn that around, be forgiving, but keep on my new promise to myself to find ways of doing what is needed.

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