Life of a Busy Writer

I love being busy and getting things done. I just hate that sometimes I don’t have the time to write. I am starting to go back to having a notebook for a story. Not the word document typing of a story, this way I can keep writing the story that is begging to be written a chance to live. I need to have that creative outlet and that might just be something I have to do.

Being busy and having a life that isn’t just about writing a story, is all about adaptability and still having a way to do something you love besides the other work you are doing. Hopefully, now with this revelation, I will be able to get some writing, even if it’s a little bit each day and not the 1,000 word mark, done.

Road to Writing: Outline vs. Non-outline

So far in my New Year resolution to writing and reading more, a.k.a. getting back to how I was, I am doing pretty good. I wrote a chapter in my novella series and marked down where I need to work on some areas (the prologue). I love that I am inspired to write and in the books I am reading it is helping me learn more about my creative skill. I hope to keep this trend going today when I sit down to write more.

With this story, I haven’t outlined it at all. I have made my character list like I need to, but I haven’t outlined it. I do have a word count for each novella in the series (at least 30,000 words total), but I am uncertain if I should outline. Sometimes the outline restricts me and other times it helps me remember some points that I want to add in. Perhaps for this story, I’ll just jot down the main features I want and make sure they are in.